Well, Today's post will be centered on the analysis of my study programme and -eventually- some aspects that I would consider changing for the best. 

Firstly, I would like to clarify that I am currently in my third year of studies for a Bachelor of Fine Arts: with a focus degree in Visual Arts and pursuing a specialization in Painting. But immediately before this, I went through a two-year programme called 'Etapa Básica' (while I was still at school). So -to some extent- I have an insight into this topic.

At this point, I am convinced that the most urgent problem to solve is the infrastructure dilemma that the buildings of the Faculty of Arts are facing. To my knowledge, this crisis goes back to 2015 (and countless years before). Added to this continuous state of emergency there is a lack of competent financial managers. Today, the Faculty of Arts has a grotesque debt of millions and millions to pay because of bank loans.

Leaving the Faculty facilities disaster aside, I have to mention and recognize the role of teachers and professors. They are the reason why our Department still exists and rise above the precariousness.

Some changes that I would consider worth making in my study programme are:

  1. Length of studies: Most of the universities abroad have shorter curricular programs. Three years tops. While our curricular programme has a duration of four years for the BFA and another extra year for the professional title.
  2. Teaching approach: Our curricular program has taken an approach focused on the specialization of only one discipline. While other curricular programs promote an interdisciplinary approach. We should provide more space to experiment and explore different media.
  3. Technological implementation: Our faculty has almost zero implementation of tools and a nonexistent technical training programme available. We need to reinforce the use of virtual software and build modern laboratories equipped with head technology.


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